CASA DELLA SETERIA SIRONI - AFFITTACAMERE - Via Ottone Calcinara, 6 - 15057 Tortona (AL)

Viguzzolo “Saint Mary's Parish Church”

Saint Mary's Parish Church rises above Viguzzolo's county land, next to the Curone Valley road. Built in a Romanesque style, it is certainly the most important monument in town, and one of the most interesting Tortonese historical buildings.

Today, the church has a basilica design and three apsidal naves, with a trussed roof. The central apse, the only one still intact, has remnants of frescoes featuring the Pantacrator Christ, possibly going back to the sixteenth century. The austere and bare walls render the atmosphere particularly evocative. It is possible to visit the parish church by appointment, to be arranged with the council office.
During the summer season (from May to September) guided visits are