CASA DELLA SETERIA SIRONI - AFFITTACAMERE - Via Ottone Calcinara, 6 - 15057 Tortona (AL)


Because of it geographical location and atmospheric historical centre, Volpedo was nominated amongst “Italy's most beautiful towns”.
Volpedo's nineteenth century features are easily recognisable, allowing visitors to follow an itinerary blending art and scenery, including the famous painter Giuseppe Pelizza's haunts.
The artist had his atelier built in 1888. For the painter, it was not only a workplace, when he could not paint en plein air, but also a place to study and meet friends.

Nowadays the studio is open to the public and retains important traces of Pelizza's work and life, from his tools to books and a few works of art – a precious and evocative Pellizian memory box.
Volpedo is also home to the thousand year old Pieve, dedicated to Saint Peter. A perfectly restored Romanesque jewel, this edifice further enriches the Tortonese territory. The church, already recorded in the annals of 965 and rebuilt in the fifteenth century, displays an external facade of absolute simplicity.

Inside, one can admire valuable frescoes dating back to the
fifteenth century, ascribable to the school of two tortonese brothers from Boxilio, Manfredino and Fanceschino.