CASA DELLA SETERIA SIRONI - AFFITTACAMERE - Via Ottone Calcinara, 6 - 15057 Tortona (AL)


Tortona rose up from its Castle area between the eighth and fifteenth century a.c., under the name of Dertona.
An Episcopal seat, it offers visitors the possibility to enjoy awe-inspiring religious architecture like the cathedral dedicated to Saint Mary of the Assumption and Saint Lorenzo, located in the Dome's central square. Its first stone was laid in 1574. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the facade was reconstructed and embellished with a Neoclassical style pediment. The main historical marble altar dating back to the eighteenth
century contains an urn with the relics of Saint Maziano, martyred in 22 d.c.. According to tradition, he was Tortona's first Bishop, as well as patron of the Diocese. The cathedral's monumental marble staircase stands against the walls of the nave’s first aisle, leading to the Episcopal chambers.
Towards the left aisle lie the tombs of the religious music genius, Don Lorenzo Perosi and his brother, Cardinal Carlo Perosi.
Instead, The Church of Saint Mary Canale is the city's oldest church. Its construction dates back to sometime around the eleventh or twelfth century.
Restored in 1853, with the addition of a gabled facade, it conserves remnants of Renaissance frescoes, even though the interior was newly decorated by Radolfo Gambini (1918). Its paintings from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are of particular interest. More information can be found on the following page:

The Friary of the Cappucin Order was reconstructed between the 1950s and 60s. It houses interesting paintings from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries as well as a Polyptych of rare beauty by an unknown artist.
The Basilica of Our Lady of the Watch, ordered by Saint Luifi Orione and built in 1931 holds the mortal remains of the saint. The building is endowed with a rising tower upon which a giant golden statue of Our Lady with Child rests, erected in 1959.

Amongst the architectural gems worthy of note, one can find the
Guidobono Building, going back to the fifteenth century, even though restructured and partially rebuilt in 1939. It boasts a gothic style facade and houses several civic collections nowadays. The building is situated along Emilia Street, in a small square dominated by a tower rebuilt in 1939.

This route, rich in cultural treasures, continues with the Civic Theatre of Tortona, constructed back in 1838, a project overseen by the architect Pietro Pernigotti.
The interior, decorated with friezes and stucco, has three tiers of boxes and a gallery. Completely restored in the eighties, since 1990 it hosts a grand season of shows every year.